Hachiko monogatari. [-A Dog's Story-]


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Об игре
2 ноября|2010 год|Япония, Сиракава
Погода: Утро |9:00 - 12:00| Пасмурно. С юго-востока дует холодный порывистый ветер, несущий с собой тяжелые свинцовые облака, готовые в любую минуту вылить на головы людей и животных скопившуюся в них влагу.

Шива - доброе и милое существо xd
Kukko - вымирающий вид милых и добрых админов оО'
kaze- - ответственная за ваши души админко xD
.rondo - бугага, злой админ съест ваши мозХи =P
Вино - самопровозглашённый модератор
Соль. - иллюзия рекламы

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Вы здесь » Hachiko monogatari. [-A Dog's Story-] » ˟ Гостевая » Warner Bros. arise two new backgrounds to activity

Warner Bros. arise two new backgrounds to activity

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Administrator Warner Bros. arise two new backgrounds to activity Madden Mobile Coins in alpha of at this years show. Arid is a brace of an old amphitheatre and is complete with bouldered outcrops and bouncing sands. Bell Tower, originally featured in Ultimate Bitter Kombat 3, aswell makes its boastful acknowledgment in high-definition glory. You apparently won’t absorb abundant of your time boring the backdrops as fists are exchanged, authoritative the advertisement of two added characters to the growing agenda decidedly added absorbing than what’s traveling on abaft the brawl. Cyrax and Kitana get in on the action. The above is a automatic soldier employing abstruse diabolism admission like bombs and nets, while the closing is all about air dashes and slashing with her blade-laden fan. Throwing the fan deals assorted hits and immobilizes the ambition for a aftereffect uppercut. Well-timed top and low punches and bliss are abundant to yield down an attacker, but the new air-conditioned beat alien in the attainable Bitter Kombat reboot adds some much-needed dash and micromanagement to fights. Two-versus-two matches acquiesce you to tag in a added character, but at the amount of activity from your bar.



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine


Вы здесь » Hachiko monogatari. [-A Dog's Story-] » ˟ Гостевая » Warner Bros. arise two new backgrounds to activity